In honor of Fleck, a C# websocket library, becoming Mono compatible, I’m finally giving it some exposure.
Fleck was written in response to a lack of lightweight websockets support in C#. It was forked from the Nugget project, and stripped down to the core. The result is an API similar to em-websockets that stays out of your way.
If you’re in a browser that supports WebSockets (Chrome, Safari, Firefox trunk), go ahead and type a bit. Your keystrokes will be captured, and broadcasted to any other users on the page. If this page is lonely, you can open a second browser window to test it out.
Get rolling with Fleck by creating a new WebSocketServer
with the address to
bind. Call Start()
to start the server and configure callbacks for OnOpen
, and OnMessage
var allSockets = new List<IWebSocketConnection> ();
var server = new WebSocketServer ("ws://localhost:8081");
server.Start (socket =>
socket.OnOpen = () => allSockets.Add (socket);
socket.OnClose = () => allSockets.Remove (socket);
socket.OnMessage = message =>
foreach (var s in allSockets.ToList())
s.Send (message);
var input = Console.ReadLine ();
In the example, connected sockets are added to an array and broadcasted to when
is triggered.
The client side script listens for keypresses and sends them to the websocket. On receiving a message, which is just a single letter in this case, the corresponding letter will be lit up.
var socket;
function animateCharacter(letter)
var upper = letter.toUpperCase();
$('#character_' + upper)
.animate({ opacity: 1}, 100)
.animate({ opacity: .2}, 100);
function setup()
var target = $('#alphabet');
for(var i = 0; i <=alphabet.length; i++)
var char = alphabet.charAt(i);
target.append('<span id="character_' + char +'">' + char + '</span');
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
function connect(){
socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8081');
socket.onmessage = function(mess) {
window.onload += setup();
With it all put together, WebSockets makes for a simple way to connect users together through the browser without plugins, polling, or other ugly frameworks.
28 May 2011