
GitHub Live via Eventmachine Websockets

Keeping track of commits that have been pushed to GitHub can wind up in many wasteful F5 keystrokes or polling scheme. Using the Post-Receive hook that GitHub provides can turn the tables having it notify us when a change is made. Adding on Websockets can create a browser based display for calls to that hook.

The Hook

Setting up the hook is simple after glancing at post-receive docs. Simply enter the Admin section of your own personal GitHub repository and set up the required service hook. Point it at a url of a web server you own.

Ruby Side

For this, I went with Sinatra because it’s simple to get rolling. Also, I use the em-websockets gem for the purpose of simple web sockets. For further reference on usage see my previous post about them.

require 'bundler'
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'yaml'
require 'em-websocket'
require 'open-uri'

GITHUB_URI = 'http://github.com/api/v2/yaml/commits/list/statianzo/emptyrepo/master
EventMachine.run do

  class LivePush < Sinatra::Base
    set :public, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/public'
    get '/' do
     open(GITHUB_URI) {|s| @commits = YAML::load(s.read)['commits']} unless @commit
     erb :show

    post '/receive' do
      puts "incoming!!"
      if params[:payload]
        @commits = nil
        SOCKETS.each {|s| s.send params[:payload]}

  EventMachine::WebSocket.start(:host => '', :port => 8080) do |ws|
    ws.onopen do
      puts "hello!"
      SOCKETS << ws
    ws.onclose { SOCKETS.delete ws}

  LivePush.run!({:port => 8081})

The Sinatra app provides routes for / and /receive. The first is for displaying of the commits and the second takes the content GitHub sends and broadcasts it to all sockets connected.

Javascript Side

The javascript is all about parsing the data and slapping it on the page to make it visible. Using the json parser from [json.org][json] makes this painless.

function connect(){
  var socket = new WebSocket('ws://yourserver.com:8080');
  socket.onmessage = function(mess) {
    if(mess && mess.data){
      var table = $('#commits');
      var result = JSON.parse(mess.data);
      for(var i = 0; i < result.commits.length; i++){
        var commit = result.commits[i];
        table.append('<tr><td>'+ commit.id + '</td><td>'+
            commit.author.name + '</td><td>' + commit.message + '</td></tr>')

In this example, the results are appended to a <table> on the current page. Very basic, but you can get as fancy as you’d like and pull any of the data that the post-receive hook provides.

And that’s it. Instant feedback about what’s getting pushed to your GitHub repository. I’ll have a demo and the source up soon.

07 Sep 2010